Friday 14 September 2012

The New 'Untouchable' of Indian Politics

They say what you sow is what you reap. There were times when a generation was growing up witnessing disastrous turning points in Indian polity like that of Mandal Commission , Economic emergency, minority govt etc. All these years , the 2 MPs party of 1984 was trying hard to find a foot across the hindi heartland of the country. There was a tag that was very conveniently attributed by the Congress to the Bhartiya Janta Party of those years , the tag of a 'Un-touchable' party. The generation which still had 4 to 5 years to vote for the first time was seeing this malicious campaign of branding the BJP as Untouchable, Communal, Extremist  and what not, only because of adopting a particular ideology?

But what followed was a befitting reply from the same generation that voted in the very capable leadership of Vajpayee ji. The politics of hate was turned on its head by his Charisma when almost all but Left and the congress joined hands to support the able leadership of A.B.Vajapyee. The erstwhile so-called 'Un-touchable' party was attracting people from everywhere, Lot of people from Congress joined in the ranks e.g Mamta B.,  Late Kumaramanglam, S.S. Ahluwalia, Najma Heptullah to name a few.

The tables have turned. now, we have a new untouchable in the polity in the form of Indian National Congress. Thanks to its 'Karma'. The direction less party is (mis)leading the country for the past eight years.The confidence of the nation is at all time low. The investors are moving out. Global press is out to ridicule the leader of our nation. Every other day a scam is being un-earthed. The arrogance on top of that isn't helping anybody's case. The 'Mukhiya' is silent. The super-mukhiya is absent. The lone sensible member has been sent to the hills ( i mean Raisina hills ) to only take decisions on mercy petitions. No body is taking up the ownership of decisions, rather blaming the bureaucracy. ( started with PM blaming the PMO ). I can go on and on and on but like me everybody out there knows what this UPA 2 lead by the new untouchable congress is up to.

Everybody out there is trying to dis-associate itself from this Scam hit congress party. Even their own people. Their image have taken such a hit that their own state unit of Gujarat has indirectly told its central leadership to stay away from the state till the elections are over. What else would shame them more? The allies are on a different path, holding the congress back of taking strategic steps. threatening every now and then to break away ranks with the UPA.

 So isn't the tag of Untouchable justified for the Indian National Congress? what do you say?


  1. Not yet , they will become untouchable only if people punish the very hard, probably the time will come when UPA as a whole is restricted to below 100 not just congress.


    1. Shailendra..

      i think we are moving towards those times...

      thanks for taking time n reading..

  2. Rishi I have been alive to those uncanny comments about the BJP right from the beginning but the great leadership of Vajpayeeji and today Modiji, find it below dignity to retaliate. People are not fools anymore and much more aware than they were earlier and the proactive media, whatever is left of it, is making things more and more transparent! Untouchability is what is deep rooted in these feudal political parties and therefore it has been and it is in their approach at all times

  3. Couldn't agree with you more Sir.. We are moving towards harder times.. revival of the economy will be a huge task for the next will require a strong leadership to take some bold steps..God willing we have in Modi ji a visionary who can take things forward..
